The Mission of St. Joan of Arc

We are centered in the former rectory and church and serve as a contact point for the Holy Innocents Parish in the neighborhoods of Harrowgate and West Kensington. To support the outreach efforts of Holy Innocents Parish, we provide the following ministries:

  • Door-to-door evangelization

  • Religious education, faith formation and sacramental preparation for adults and children

  • Novenas, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Charismatic Prayer Meetings

  • Celebration of Mass each Sunday: 9:00 AM (English) and 11:30 AM (Spanish)

  • English as a second language classes

  • Food pantry every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

  • Space for the gathering of various neighborhood and faith-based groups

  • Weekly AA/NA meetings in Spanish

  • After school program

  • Vacation Bible School

  • Retreat Center for Latino Catholic Groups

  • Computer lab for people seeking employment

  • Youth group (currently held at St. Joachim)

  • Community garden

If you would like to contact us, please call S. Linda Lukiewski, SSJ at 215-535-4641.

The Mission of St. Joan of Arc is located at 2025 E. Atlantic Street, Philadelphia, PA 19134.

Follow the Mission of St. Joan of Arc on Facebook for the latest news and events.

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