Liturgical Ministries

Altar Linens

Volunteers wash and iron the altar cloths, albs, etc. and care for the altars.

Altar Servers

Boys and girls from 5th to 12th grades serve at Mass on Sundays, Holy Days and during the week. They also assist at weddings, funerals and other devotions.

Click here to view the current Altar Server schedule.

Eucharistic Ministers

These Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute the Eucharist at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days as scheduled.

Click here to view the current Eucharistic Minister schedule.


Adults, college and high school students proclaim the scripture readings during liturgical celebrations as scheduled.

Click here to view the current Lector schedule.

Music Ministry

The adult choirs, cantors, organist, and musicians assist the assembly in expressing their faith at Mass and other liturgical celebrations through sung prayer.

Sunday Counters

Men and women who assist in counting the Sunday Collections every week.

Ushers / Ministers of Hospitality

Men and women of the Parish who maintain order in our parish liturgies by giving directions, taking up the collection and attending to the needs of the congregation.

If you are interested in joining any of these ministries, please contact the Rectory at 215-743-2600